主题:Periodic orbits emanating from a kite configuration四体问题中从风筝型中心构型出发的周期解
主讲人: 墨西哥自治理工大学(墨西哥) Ernesto Pérez-Chavela教授
主持人: 555000jc赌船 祝书强讲师
主办单位: 555000jc赌船 国际交流与合作处 科研处
Ernesto Pérez-Chavela 教授是墨西哥科学院院士、墨西哥自治理工大学(ITAM) 教授和加拿大维多利亚大学兼职教授。他是国际著名天体力学专家。他上世纪九十年代初在墨西哥获博士学位后跟随著名数学家、美国国家科学院院士 D. Saari 做博士后,之后回到墨西哥任教。他在 N 体问题的 Saari 猜测、中心构型、带有曲率的多体问题以及中心构型及其稳定性等方面做出了杰出贡献。MathSciNet 统计,他已发表论著近 100篇/册,已被国际同行广泛引用,其多篇论文发装在 《Arch. for Rati. Mech. Anal.》、《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《Celestial Mech. & Dynam. Astronomy》等国际著名刊物上。近年来,他还一直投身于科普工作,并就这一主题发表了若干篇论文。
Professor Ernesto Pérez-Chavela is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, a professor at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), and an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria in Canada. He is an internationally renowned expert in celestial mechanics. After receiving his PhD in Mexico in the early 1990s, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow with D. Saari, a famous mathematician and member of the National Academy of Sciences,United States. He has made outstanding contributions to Saari conjectures, central configurations, N-body problems in constant curvature spaces, and the stability of central configurations.
In this talk I will show the existence of families of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits emanating from a kite configuration in the planar four body problem with three equal masses. We introduce a new coordinate system which measures (in the planar four body problem) how far is an arbitrary configuration from a kite configuration. Using these coordinates, and the Lyapunov center theorem, we get families of periodic and quasiperiodic orbits emanating from a kite configuration.