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【百年校庆杰出学者论坛第2期】:Model Aggregation for Risk Evaluation and Robust Optimization

发布时间:2023年12月11日 10:07 发布人:

主题Model Aggregation for Risk Evaluation and Robust Optimization

主讲人加拿大滑铁卢大学 王若度 教授

主持人555000jc赌船 马敬堂




内容提要:We introduce a new approach for prudent risk evaluation based on stochastic dominance, which will be called the model aggregation (MA) approach. In contrast to the classic worst-case risk (WR) approach, the MA approach produces not only a robust value of risk evaluation but also a robust distributional model which is useful for modeling, analysis and simulation, independent of any specific risk measure. The MA approach is easy to implement even if the uncertainty set is non-convex or the risk measure is computationally complicated, and it is tractable in distributionally robust optimization. Via an equivalence property between the MA and the WR approaches, new axiomatic characterizations are obtained for a few classes of popular risk measures. In particular, the Expected Shortfall (ES, also known as CVaR) is the unique risk measure satisfying the equivalence property for convex uncertainty sets among a very large class. The MA approach for Wasserstein and mean-variance uncertainty sets admits explicit formulas for the obtained robust models, and the new approach is illustrated with various risk measures and examples from portfolio optimization.

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