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SWUFE数学讲坛107:On a Keller--Segel System of Chemotaxis with Fokker--Planck Diffusion (具有 Fokker-Planck 型扩散的 Keller-Segel 趋化模型)

发布时间:2022年05月12日 16:05 发布人:

主题On a Keller--Segel System of Chemotaxis with Fokker--Planck Diffusion (具有 Fokker-Planck 型扩散的 Keller-Segel 趋化模型)


主持人经济555000jc赌船 林可副教授



主办单位:经济555000jc赌船 科研处




In this talk, we would like to report our recent work on a Keller—Segel system of chemotaxis with Fokker-Planck type diffusion, which was originally proposed by Keller and Segel in their seminal work in 1971. The model features signal-dependent motility, which may vanish as the concentration becomes unbounded, leading to a possible degenerate problem. Recently, we have developed systematic new approaches to study the well-posedness problem. The key idea lies in an introduction of an elliptic auxiliary problem which enables us to apply delicate comparison arguments to derive the upper bound of concentration. Then, we study the global existence of classical solutions and discuss their boundedness in any dimension. In particular, a critical mass phenomenon as well as an infinite-time blowup was verified in the two-dimensional case. The talk is based on my recent joint works with Kentarou Fujie (Tohoku University), Philippe Laurençot (University of Toulouse and CNRS), and Yanyan Zhang (ECNU).

在本次报告中,我们将介绍最近关于具有 Fokker-Planck 型扩散的 Keller-Segel 趋化模型的工作。该模型最初由 Keller 和 Segel 在 1971 年的开创性工作中提出。由于这类模型的扩散依赖于化学信号的运动,会随着信号浓度增长趋于零,从而导致退化现象。最近,我们提出了研究这类适定性问题的新的研究方法。关键思想在于引入一个椭圆辅助问题,这使得我们能够应用比较性原理导出信号浓度的上限。我们将进一步研究经典解的全局存在性,并讨论它们在任何维度上的有界性。特别的,在二维情况下验证了临界质量现象以及探讨了无限时间爆炸等性质。报告中的主要研究成果是与 Kentarou Fujie(东北大学)、Philippe Laurençot(图卢兹大学和 CNRS)和张艳艳(华东师大)合作完成的。

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