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SWUFE数学讲坛七十八:A Lagrange-Newton Algorithm for Sparse Nonlinear Programming(稀疏非线性规划的拉格朗日-牛顿算法)

发布时间:2021年10月25日 16:35 发布人:

主题:A Lagrange-Newton Algorithm for Sparse Nonlinear Programming(稀疏非线性规划的拉格朗日-牛顿算法)

主讲人:北京交通大学 罗自炎教授

主持人:经济555000jc赌船 车茂林副教授



主办单位:经济555000jc赌船 科研处




The sparse nonlinear programming (SNP) problem has wide applications in signal and image processing, machine learning and finance, etc. However, the computational challenge posed by SNP has not yet been well resolved due to the nonconvex and discontinuous L0-norm involved. In this talk, we resolve this numerical challenge by developing a fast Newton-type algorithm. As a theoretical cornerstone, we establish a first-order optimality condition for SNP based on the concept of strong beta-Lagrangian stationarity via the Lagrangian function, and reformulate it as a system of nonlinear equations called the Lagrangian equations. The nonsingularity of the corresponding Jacobian is discussed, based on which the Lagrange-Newton algorithm (LNA) is then proposed. Under mild conditions, we establish the locally quadratic convergence and its iterative complexity estimation. To further demonstrate the efficiency and superiority of our proposed algorithm, we apply LNA to two specific problems arising from compressed sensing and sparse high-order portfolio selection, in which significant benefits accrue from the restricted Newton step.稀疏非线性规划(SNP)广泛应用于信号与图像处理、机器学习、金融等领域。然而,其中的L0范数的非凸非连续性,给SNP的求解带来计算上的挑战性。在本次报告中,我们将介绍一类快速的牛顿类型算法来求解SNP。首先我们提出强β—Lagrange稳定点并建立SNP的一阶最优性条件,并借助稀疏投影建立等价的Lagrange方程组来刻画这一稳定点。 通过分析这一方程组的Jacobi矩阵非奇异性,我们设计Lagrange-Newton算法(LNA)。在较弱的条件下,我们建立LNA算法的二次收敛速度与迭代复杂性。为进一步展示我们算法的有效性与优势,我们将LNA算法应用于几个具体问题,包括压缩感知与稀疏投资组合等。可以看出,算法中的限制Newton步使得我们的数值效果优势明显。

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