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SWUFE数学讲坛十九:香港理工大学 张国锋副教授:Quantum Gradient Descendent Algorithm

发布时间:2019年07月11日 15:00 发布人:

主题:Quantum Gradient Descendent Algorithm

主讲人:香港理工大学 张国锋副教授




主办单位:经济555000jc赌船 科研处


The gradient descendent algorithm is an iterated optimization algorithm which finds a local minimum of a function by searching along the steepest descent direction of the function. The gradient descendent algorithm is a simple optimization method which has wide applications---a famous example being the backpropagation algorithm in the training of neural networks. In this talk, we discuss a quantum version of the gradient descendent algorithm. We first touch on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, such as states, system variables, composite systems, partial trace and quantum measurement, then we discuss quantum Fourier transform which is key to quantum phase estimation; finally, we present the quantum gradient descendent algorithm.



Guofeng Zhang received hisB.Sc. degree andM.Sc. degree from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1998 and 2000 respectively. He received a Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, in 2005. During 2005–2006, he was a Postdoc Fellow at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada. He joined the School of Electronic Engineering of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 2007. From April 2010 to December 2011 he was a Research Fellow at the Australian National University. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Hong Kong polytechnic University. His research interests include quantum information and control, sampled-data control and nonlinear dynamics.


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